Aug 20, 2007

healthy food finds

i might not have mentioned it yet, but my ultimate goal is to do my grocery shopping at healthy options. that is, to become rich enough to buy everything organic, additive free, and so on. too bad wasn't able to visit wholefoods which pam was dying to bring me to.

so anyway, while walking along trinoma i suddenly saw the frozen section of healthy options. my gaaaaaaaaaaad!!! i was so excited. good thing that i wasn't the only one with that exaggerated reaction. the woman beside was gasping too hehe.

i was so happy because i saw all kinds of frozen turkey products. i even saw frozen cherries and berries which i didn't get because i wanted my mom to pay for them hehe. and the reason why the woman said oh my god!!! out loud was because they were selling organic cod and ahi tuna. holy camote! it was such a thrill for me. but of course given that i cannot get a lot of stuff i had to restrict myself. here are the stuff i got.

so excited to try the sausage and bacon variants

was craving for something sweet so i got this...comes in three flavors. banana foster and brownies are the other two.

my couscous stash

i also got some kettle chips which we munched on in the car. also want to share some more healthy food finds. nativa is the original green tea drink. not packed with sugar and you still taste the "natural flavor" of the green tea. the flavored tofu is a new find at my tita's store. she sells veggie sausages which i love, veggie tuna steaks (nice too), tofu balls, veggie meats and a lot more.

not its final state used it for my pininyahan na tofu. yesterday i cooked some for my mexican inspired tofu squares.

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